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This is the "Homepage" of www,gpss.co.uk. Last update 2250 BST (UK time) / 2150 GMT/UT/Z Fri 10 April 2015.
Robin and June were back to their normal routine, from Wednesday morning 8th April. For several days before that, Robin was busy, often working one or two hours on the PC, mostly adding information, then getting a similar ammount of sleep. Much of the activity was unexpected: when there are a large number of Press Enquiries, the information must be ready to "hand out". These days, it'd done with Robin's web sites, www.GPSS.co.uk and www.NHSCAre.info There is a lot of work in doing this, and this summary could not be put up, until we knew the scope. e.g. that the Royal Marines would not have known that we were about to use Snoopy publicity to drive NHSCare/Coughlan publicity, which may have a major effect on the Election.
Touch or click the Snoopy Robot Boat Picture of the Day, on the right, to see the detail --->
Great distress has been caused to Robin's wife June, since she has not seen Robin work hard for maybe 40 years.
Thames Valley Police (TVP) are asked to check, through GCHQ/HO/Gov etc that Forces around World are watching www.gpss.co.uk
Priority action on TVP is to inform Frimley Park Command of above, and ensure MHA done ASAP. e.g Sat pm, Sun, or Monday, at Robin's home.
Robin is very happy about GCHQ monitoring, but less relaxed about security through the internet. Sorry I don't click on Jaqui Lawson cards :-)
The activites that have occupied Robin's time include, weaving web pages and exchanging emails directed at :
Events moved rapidly. What started as just a "UK Election Bombshell", might become a force towards World Peace.
Robin is ready to receive visitors. Sorry about his conditions of entry, such as having a military service record :-)
Time to Tweet ? "Election Bombshell. All Parties guilty of NHS Care fraud. See NHSCare.info & GPSS.co.uk" or maybe "Election Bomshell. Recent written assurance by Lord Freddy Howe, Health Minister of State. See GPSS.co.uk". This Robin does not Tweet :-)
Robin "lit the fuse" for publicity: see AsOnTV for why it will happen. e.g. Chris Evans & Nick Knowles. Thank Snoopy's Robot Boat for this :-)
The Royal Marines may have been the real heros in Snoopy's rescue, but their publicity must wait until months
after the Election, and a new Government is formed. The Royal Navy cannot interfere with the Election process,
but the "Coughlan Band" can:
it is up to all the Parties
to choose if they do what we suggest :-)
You guys in kayaks did a grand job: that nice spot for Snoopy to beach,
and be quickly found; that "message" for us. A well conceived covert Snoopy rescue mission:
"Find, recover, and position Snoopy, so that he drifts onto
a stretch of beach where he will be spotted. Do not open his box or electronics.
Leave a subtle message to confuse their team". I like it ! :-)
The first to have the limelight will be Ben Hartrey and the Coalition Nightlub,
and the Thistle Hotel, where Dick and Robin examined Snoopy's recorded GPS track, from launch, until hitting the beach.
Who is "Watching the Watching" ? Checkout Robin's
History page:
his work from 1971 at STC/NC3A/SHAPE/NATO, working closely with the USAFE, RAF, and French Military.
Robin's SHEWS installed in 1976. General Rogers, SACEUR: "SHEWS is the best thing since sliced bread !".
Robin's briefing to DSACEUR (Senior in NATO, UK RAF), scruffily dressed. Robin's boss said,
"Sorry about Robin's appearance: he's just come in from the hospital, after attending the birth of his
first child". That was Samantha: well done for finding the "Sky Ballot Ballad" video. None of this
is CLASSIFIED - you just need to know where to look. Oh yes, those guys who may be watching from
the Home Office, or other Government Organisations: as it say's on Snoopy's boat, "We are watching you !".
Well done Samantha again, for choosing to be born at that exact time and date exactly, on 6th March 1974.
I'm sure some of the top brass will remember. More detail, as ever, is on "March 2015 Attempt".
Meetings here with Journalists, Military, Police, Medics and others, including Royal family members,
will need to follow Robin's same security procedure,
unless you and Robin already know each other well.
e.g. Ben Moore, who filmed the 2012 Snoopy Attempt for BBC TV.
1) send me an email with no links,
a brief line of text from my site, such as from here, and maybe latest news from the "March 2015 Attempt" page.
Include contact information easily found on the Net such as a Police Station number.
I will then verify that they know of your email, and send a reply, "Opening the Door" for your visit.
I may use others in that process, to reduce other risks as much as I can.
I may suggest someone else to be present, and the man-to man meeting will be informal and private.
No information will be divulged to me, other than that already known on the Net, including on GPSS.co.uk.
I have always been relaxed about monitoring by GCHQ, but I have never been relaxed about
monitoring or worse, by offshore Net services. e.g. search engines, spam filters, social media sites, etc.
Best to say this "out loud" so everyone is aware of the risks of trusting computers too much.
Sometimes paper and pencil, and printed copy, is not a bad idea. Write down those URLs
near the bottom of this page on paper: do not trust them to only bookmarks inside your PC, Mac, or smartphone.
Also, we all make mistakes, including myself, and the most senior of Government organisations.
It's usually the military that have to "pick up the pieces" !
Much more may be on that "March 2015" page below, including information, Photos and videos.
We had a nice Family Easter break from "work", so
I am now open to receiving emails. Please make clear what you were looking at on www.gpss.co.uk
e.g. time of newsflash. This filters out journalist who have simply been passed my 'phone number or email address.
If the information you have for me is sensitive or classified at the start: I may say I do not wish to hear,
because we may already be publishing our findings. e.g. where drifting Snoopy was intercepted, and where there were
pauses, waiting for darkness, or beach patrols to pass. I'm hoping this rescue was initiated, after seeing
that there seemed a slim chance of Snoopy being spotted and rescued.
If you see my "History" page above, you will see where "I am coming from" on security matters.
Having said all that serious stuff, I'm sure you will enjoy my Snoopy pages.
Maybe it just a flight of fancy ! :-)
See details of Snoopy's 2012 Attempt for clues ;-)
Snoopy's March 2015 Atlantic Attempt
, which for many days, has had the latest detailed news, and raw material for Press/TV/Radio.
e.g. the detailed I-Gotu track from Boscombe launch to Brighton landing.
e.g. when did we discover it was so easy to "watch those who were watching us" ?
You can all come up with your own theories on 1. the "sea rescue" (kayak?). 2. when the boat failed (power?).
Time at nightclub, and
AA callout for Dick's car did not help, but a great ending to a great Snoopy mission.
Well Done Ben Hartney for finding and collecting Snoopy, and passing to Thistle Hotel, where Robin and Dick
did tests and collected the all-importanf I-Gotu GPS logger data. This provides the detailed track
from launch to arrival at Brighton, including after the SPOT tracking failed.
Snoopy can return to Brighton for the "Celebration and Thankyou" lunch or dinner, with
photo and video opportunities with the Press/Radio/TV.
Thanks all those who have helped, including Jasper at The Sunday Telegraph, BBC Radio Solent and BBCTV (South),
whose publicity brought our team together.
Snoopy's Boat 10 is a tough little boat, having now survived four sea missions and crash landings:
two on Isle of Wight, one near Portland Bill, and now Brighton. Three rescue by our hero Dick.
Great Disco Ben ! Better construction needed, even if design looks good.
e.g. sealing of wiring under the solar panels, and strength of that mast/boom cross piece that broke.
See Robin's
AsOnTV page. e.g. UK TV personalities, Chris (Ginger) Evans, Nick Knowles, Sunday Telegraph article.
To tell others say "see GPSS.co.uk". If you speak to me, Robin, do at least mention "9am Tuesday", so I know you've seen this page.
Now how this page normally starts ...
Updated 0145 BST / 0045 GMT Monday 6th April 2015 UK time.
Robin's robot boats made attempts to cross the Atlantic in 2012, 2013 and 2014: The 2015 boat,
sailed by Snoopy the Viking, was launched from the UK on Wednesday 18th March
: see
Snoopy's Robot Sailing Boat
or click on the changing picture to the right.
Robin officially retired in 2012: June says he retired 10 years before that ! :-) This site began as a business site
in 1995, but soon began to support the many thousands of people using GPSS for free, around the World - often in countries
where SatNav or AVL was not available. Some of the pages are very old, but some may be updated every day - particularly
GPS-related hobby pages ! Robin spends a little of his time on the
Coughlan Campaign Charity, helping people in the UK to use the Law to get
free long term care from the NHS, and not have to pay for the care home.
Since Robin retired, he doesn't have time to do any real work - as June will confirm :-)
how to navigate
with this GPS Software and GPS,
and run it on your PC to see a demonstration.
Run it on a Laptop or Pocket PC with a GPS, and this same GPS Software will work for real.
Need a GPS ? click
here for advice.
Robin's new toy: the Linx 8
GPSS with Speech Input.
The last software update was
GPSS Baseline v6.97 November 2011
with GPSSppc v14 for Pocket PC based Smartphones.
"where is the book ?"
User Guide to GPSSppc for Pocket PC and
GPSS Guide for Windows.
HAMs see
Amateur Radio
Radio Direction Finding
e.g. tracking a radio transmitter - see picture on the right.
Techys can
add mapping to GPSS.
e.g. maps from Bing and Google maps; sounds for spoken guidance.
"It's like having a little friend in the car with you" :-)
- try
speech input
or make
GPSS speak other languages.
geocaching, "GPS Teasure Hunting" that started in 2001 ?
"Speed Trap ! Watch your speed !"
- see the
speed warning page.
Videos ?
Robin's YouTube Channel
A bigger list of pages are
GPSS pioneered navigation and remote tracking for police, military, business and the public, from 1995.
See AVL/CHASE page for remote tracking, including fleet management and security applications.
GPSS can track and control multiple vehicles from a fixed
or mobile PC, by use of mobile 'phone, radio or satellite communications.
The objects tracked may be many miles away, but seen on mapping
for 164 countries - right down to "house level" maps.
GPSS can also be used in "chase" mode, guiding the driver to a mobile target.
You will see that I am extremely "up front"
about who we are, and our GPS Software business since 1995 - now a hobby :-)
Big resources are not needed to give people permission to use GPSS, or make the occasional software change. I have worked in larger companies and on larger projects than most people, and have no need to pretend what I am not. I greatly respect others who are able to be equally "up front" about themselves and their own business - however small it is - so don't be shy :-) Please read my business page.
I would like to thank the many thousands of "enthusiasts" around the World who
helped us test and improve GPSS. This was a family business,
but it is still a great network of friends.
© 1991-2014 Robin Lovelock.
Robin Lovelock, Sunninghill Systems, 22 Armitage Court, Sunninghill, Ascot, Berks SL5 9TA, United Kingdom.
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The piece below was first on the GPSS homepage during 1st April '98 :