Sounds used in GPSS
last updated 1015 Thursday 7th February 2008
from Robin on 5th February 2008: New info from Alex at bottom of this page - under construction.
Some sounds have been changed:
$$$START.WAV = "this GPS software is given free to individuals as a means of promotion".
$LR.WAV = "speed trap"
SNOOPY.WAV = "Hello ! This software is unregistered. Why not get a key code ?"
- speeded up 2x to sound funny :-)
Here are some new ones:
NEARDEST.WAV = "we are near our destination".
GPSSCOUK.WAV = "this software is from www.gpss.co.uk"
SNOOPY2.WAV = "hello !" - speeded up 2x to sound funny :-)
GEOCINFO.WAV = "geocaching is a GPS treasure hunting hobby"
HITHELP.WAV = "click on the low right icon to get help - but if you touch anything it will interfere with the demonstration"
#SPEEDTR.WAV = "speed trap ! watch your speed !"
SPEEDLIM.WAV = "speed limit is ..."
Please tell me if you find some that I have missed.
* below marks sounds that have changed. e.g. $$$START.WAV
The following information is to help those of you who are re-recording GPSS sounds, in .WAV files, to make GPSS speak another language.
e.g. GPSS speaks the number 3 by playing the file 3.WAV which contains the English sound "three". To make GPSS speak German, 3.WAV must be re-recorded to "drie".
You do not need to re-record all the 247 sounds in the basic copy of GPSS. Many of the sounds are only needed in the UK (e.g. names of places) or to support more complex GPSS facilities (e.g. Inmarsat-C communications).
Robin has put the more important sounds first, below, so that GPSS will start to speak almost everything in the new language, even when you have only re-recorded some of the sounds. By the time you have recorded the first 100 sounds, all the important work will have been done.
How long will this take you ? If you get yourself well organised, it should not take more than about 1 minute to re-record each sound, including 'chopping off' the silent bit at start and end. So you might do it in 2 hours - but these jobs always take longer than expected :-)
Here are the sounds, with most important first:
Important sounds for startup, receiving GPS data, etc
GOODMORN.WAV=Good Morning ! GOODAFTE.WAV=Good Afternoon ! GOODEVEN.WAV=Good Evening ! HELLO.WAV= Hello ! $$$START.WAV=This free software does not have many maps or sounds * NOTGPS.WAV=I am not receiving GPS data GOTGPS.WAV=I am receiving GPS data ! LETMESHO.WAV=Let me show you something that I did earlier CHAMAP.WAV=changing map to.. THEWORLD.WAV=..the World OK.WAV=O K HITHELP.WAV=Watch the demonstration to see what I can do, then hit the question mark key for help * OKQUIET.WAV=OK I will be quiet SUREEXIT.WAV=Are you sure you want to exit GPSS ? GOODBYE.WAV=Goodbye !
WEARE.WAV=we are 0.WAV=zero 1.WAV=one 2.WAV=two ...etc 20.WAV=twenty... 00.WAV=hundred .. 300.WAV=three hundred.. 1000.WAV=one thousand THOUSAND.WAV=thousand (NOTE THAT ALL THE NUMBER SOUNDS SHOULD BE RE-RECORDED) POINT.WAV=point MILE.WAV=mile MILES.WAV=miles KILOMETR.WAV=kilometre KILOMETS.WAV=kilometres YARDS.WAV=yards METRES.WAV=metres NORTHOF.WAV=north of NORTHEOF.WAV=north east of EASTOF.WAV=east of SOUTHEOF.WAV=south east of SOUTHOF.WAV=south of SOUTHWOF.WAV=south west of WESTOF.WAV=west of NORTHWOF.WAV=north west of AND.WAV=and IN.WAV=in
DESTINAT.WAV=destination HOME.WAV=home AHEADOFU.WAV=ahead of us TOOURRIG.WAV=to our right BEHINDUS.WAV=behind us TOOURLEF.WAV=to our left 1C.WAV=at your 1 o'clock 2C.WAV=at your 2 o'clock 3C.WAV=at your 3 o'clock 4C.WAV=at your 4 o'clock 5C.WAV=at your 5 o'clock 6C.WAV=at your 6 o'clock 7C.WAV=at your 7 o'clock 8C.WAV=at your 8 o'clock 9C.WAV=at your 9 o'clock 10C.WAV=at your 10 o'clock 11C.WAV=at your 11 o'clock 12C.WAV=at your 12 o'clock
NOTMOVE.WAV=not moving MOVNORTH.WAV=moving north MOVNEAST.WAV=moving north east MOVEAST.WAV=moving east MOVSEAST.WAV=moving south east MOVSOUTH.WAV=moving south MOVSWEST.WAV=moving south west MOVWEST.WAV=moving west MOVNWEST.WAV=moving north west
AT.WAV="at" MPH.WAV="miles per hour" KMPH.WAV="kilometres per hour" KNOTS.WAV="knots" (or "nautical miles per hour") ETAIS.WAV="Expected Time of Arrival is" HOURS.WAV="hours" MINUTES.WAV="minutes" SECONDS.WAV="seconds"
LONDON.WAV=London SUNNINGH.WAV=Sunninghill ASCOT.WAV=Ascot WEARENEA.WAV=we are near.. #22ARMIT.WAV=22 Armitage Court #BRIDGEO.WAV=bridge over railway and chemist #ENTRANC.WAV=entrance to Armitage Court WEAREON.WAV=we are on.. #ROBINSD.WAV=Robin's Drive #ARMITAG.WAV=Armitage Court #B3020SU.WAV=B3020 Sunninghill High Street $SHR.WAV=hotel and restaurant THENEARE.WAV=the nearest.. NEXTNEAR.WAV=the next nearest is... IS.WAV=is $LNTEH.WAV=interesting place ON.WAV=on ATTENTIO.WAV=Attention ! TURNLEFT.WAV=Turn Left ! TURNRIGH.WAV=Turn Right ! MOREINFO.WAV=more information is available MORENOTA.WAV=I am sorry, but more information is not available
These sounds were added in the voice of the driver (e.g. Michelle) :
V$POP.WAV = "Population Centre" (selecting Population Centres)
V$ASC.WAV = "A... S... C... Search" (searching for Ascot)
V$ZOOMIN.WAV = "Zoom in" ( X key )
V$ZOOM.WAV = "Zoom Out" (re-recording of zoom)
V$DEST.WAV = "Destination" (make Ascot the destination)
V$SEARCH.WAV = "Search" (search for next nearest place)
These sounds was added in voice of GPSS (e.g. Robin)
ARMITAGE.WAV = "Armitage Court"
BERKSHIR.WAV = "Berkshire"
GASWORKS.WAV = "Gasworks"
#THEBERY.WAV = "The Berysted Hotel"
Note that GPSS.TXT (previously GPSS.HLP) was also updated, for the online help.
Here is the list from Alex's spreadsheet. This page is under construction. Many Thanks to Alex - on Partners and Pocket PC pages. Any errors below are probably Robin's fault :-)
#22ARMIT.WAV = "22 Armitage Court"
$22ARMIT.WAV = "22 Armitage Court, home of the GPS Software!"
$E.WAV = "Eating Place.WAV = "Eetplaats.WAV = "Estiatorio"
$EC.WAV = "Coffeeshop"
$EP.WAV = "Public House"
$ER.WAV = "Restaurant"
$ERC.WAV = "Chinese Reastaurant"
$ERF.WAV = "Fish Restaurant"
$ERI.WAV = "Indian Restaurant"
$ERIT.WAV = "Italian Restaurant"
$ETAC.WAV = "Chinese takeaway food"
$FS.WAV = "Filling Station.WAV = "Tankstation"
$FSB.WAV = "BP filling station"
$FSE.WAV = "ESSO filling station"
$FSJ.WAV = "JET filling station"
$FSQ.WAV = "Q8 filling station"
$FSS.WAV = "Shell filling station"
$FSUK.WAV = "UK filling station"
$JC.WAV = "Crossroads"
$JR.WAV = "Roundabout"
$LBR.WAV = "Bridge"
$LBROS.WAV = "Bridge over stream"
$LBRUR.WAV = "Bridge under railway"
$LGEO.WAV = "Geocache"
$LGPSS.WAV = "GPS Software user"
$LC.WAV = "Church"
$LNR.WAV = "Nature reserve"
$LNT.WAV = "National Trust site"
$LNTEH.WAV = "Interesting place.WAV = "Bezienswaardigheid"
$LPB.WAV = "Post box"
$LPOP.WAV = "Population centre.WAV = "Stad of dorp"
$LPT.WAV = "Public telephome"
$LR.WAV = "Speed trap !!!"
$LRAIL.WAV = "Railway"
$LRF.WAV = "Recreation field"
$LS.WAV = "School"
$LTL.WAV = "Traffic lights"
$LW.WAV = "Water"
$S.WAV = "Sleeping place"
$SHR.WAV = "Hotel and Restaurant"
0.WAV = "zero.WAV = "nul"
1.WAV = "one.WAV = "een "
1C.WAV = "at your one o'clock.WAV = "op een uur"
2.WAV = "two.WAV = "een "
2C.WAV = "at your two o'clock.WAV = "op een uur"
3.WAV = "three.WAV = "een "
3C.WAV = "at your three o'clock.WAV = "op een uur"
4.WAV = "four.WAV = "een "
4C.WAV = "at your four o'clock.WAV = "op een uur"
5.WAV = "five.WAV = "een "
5C.WAV = "at your five o'clock.WAV = "op een uur"
6.WAV = "six.WAV = "een "
6C.WAV = "at your six o'clock.WAV = "op een uur"
7.WAV = "seven.WAV = "een "
7C.WAV = "at your seven o'clock.WAV = "op een uur"
8.WAV = "eight.WAV = "een "
8C.WAV = "at your eight o'clock.WAV = "op een uur"
9.WAV = "nine.WAV = "een "
9C.WAV = "at your nine o'clock.WAV = "op een uur"
10.WAV = "ten.WAV = "een "
10C.WAV = "at your ten o'clock.WAV = "op een uur"
11.WAV = "eleven.WAV = "een "
11C.WAV = "at your eleven o'clock.WAV = "op een uur"
12.WAV = "twelve.WAV = "een "
12C.WAV = "at your twelve o'clock.WAV = "op een uur"
13.WAV = "thirteen.WAV = "dertien"
14.WAV = "fourteen.WAV = "veertien"
15.WAV = "fifteen.WAV = "vijftien"
16.WAV = "sixteen.WAV = "zestien"
17.WAV = "seventeen.WAV = "zeventien"
18.WAV = "eighteen.WAV = "achtien"
19.WAV = "nineteen.WAV = "negentien"
20.WAV = "twenty.WAV = "twintig"
30.WAV = "thirty.WAV = "dertig"
40.WAV = "forty.WAV = "veertig"
50.WAV = "fifty.WAV = "vijftig"
60.WAV = "sixty.WAV = "zestig"
70.WAV = "seventy.WAV = "zeventig"
80.WAV = "eighty.WAV = "tachtig"
90.WAV = "ninety.WAV = "negentig"
100.WAV = "one hundred.WAV = "honderd"
200.WAV = "two hundred.WAV = "twee honderd"
300.WAV = "three hundred.WAV = "drie honderd"
400.WAV = "four hundred.WAV = "vier honderd"
500.WAV = "five hundred.WAV = "vijf honderd"
600.WAV = "six hundred.WAV = "zes honderd"
700.WAV = "seven hundred.WAV = "zeven honderd"
800.WAV = "eight hundred.WAV = "acht honderd"
900.WAV = "nine hundred.WAV = "negen honderd"
1000.WAV = "one thousand.WAV = "duizend"
A.WAV = "a.WAV = "a"
s.WAV = "ahead of you.WAV = "voor ons"
ALTISABO.WAV = "altitude is about"
ALTISNEA.WAV = "altitude is near sea level"
ALTISNOT.WAV = "altitude is not available"
AND.WAV = "and"
AT.WAV = "at"
ATTENTIO.WAV = "attention"
BADGPS.WAV = "I'm getting bad GPS signals. Do we need to go outside, where I can see more sky?"
BASE.WAV = "base"
BCARE.WAV = "If you use the facilities on this page, take great care!"
BDELMYP.WAV = "This button deletes a place from MyPlaces"
BDES2H.WAV = "This makes the Destination position the new Home"
BDES2MY.WAV = "This saves the Destination position to MyPlaces"
BDESEXPL.WAV = "If in Explore Mode, searches are from the Explore position, instead of the GPS position"
BDESOFF.WAV = "The OFF button switches off the Destination"
BDESON.WAV = "The ON button switches on the Destination"
BDEST.WAV = "The DESTINATION button controls the Destination, such as switching it on or off"
BDIAL.WAV = "The DIAL button switches on and off the Instruments"
BDIAL2.WAV = "You can also switch off the Instruments, just by tapping on the dial"
BEHINDUS.WAV = "behind us"
BFIND.WAV = "The FIND searches for the nearest place, or the next nearest place"
BGPS2H.WAV = "The GPS2HOME button saves the GPS location as the new Home"
BGPS2MY.WAV = "The GPS2MYPLACES button saves the GPS location to MyPlaces "
BHELP.WAV = "The HELP button gives this help"
BHOME2MY.WAV = "This saves the Home position to MyPlaces"
BHOME.WAV = "The HOME button sets the Destination to Home"
BHOMEGET.WAV = "Choose what Home to use as Destination"
BHOMEPUT.WAV = "Choose what Home to update"
BLANG.WAV = "The LANGUAGE button switches spoken language"
BMAINT.WAV = "The MAINTENANCE button provides technical facilities"
BMAPDES.WAV = "This makes the Map follow the Destination"
BMAPFIND.WAV = "This makes the Map follow the Find spot, after a search"
BMAPGPS.WAV = "This makes the Map follow your GPS position"
BMAPGPSD.WAV = "This makes the Map cover your GPS position AND the Destination"
BMENU.WAV = "The MENU button changes the buttons"
BMENUH.WAV = "The MENU button removes the picture"
BMORE.WAV = "Tap the picture for more information"
BQUIET.WAV = "The QUIET button switches my speaking on and off. You'll like that…!"
BREC.WAV = "The RECORD button shows recording buttons"
BUNITS.WAV = "The UNIT button switches between Metric, Imperial and Nautical"
BUTFWD.WAV = "This button speeds up the replay"
BUTMAP.WAV = "The MAP button controls the map"
BUTPAUSE.WAV = "This button pauses the replay"
BUTPLAY.WAV = "This button plays back the recorded GPS data"
BUTREC.WAV = "This button switches on the recording of GPS data"
BUTRWD.WAV = "this button slows down or reverses the replay"
BUTSTOP.WAV = "This button switches off the recording or replay"
BWHAT.WAV = "The WHAT button selects what you want to search for"
BZOOMIN.WAV = "ZOOMIN sooms in to the most detailed map"
BZOOMOUT.WAV = "ZOOMOUT zooms out the map to a bigger area"
CAR.WAV = "car"
CHAMAP.WAV = "changing map to"
CHANGMAP.WAV = "changing map"
CLIMBING.WAV = "climbing"
DEGREES.WAV = "degrees"
DESTINAT.WAV = "destination"
DESTIOFF.WAV = "The Destination is off"
DESTION.WAV = "The Destination is on"
EAST.WAV = "east"
EASTOF.WAV = "east of"
ERROR.WAV = "Sorry! Error"
ETAIS.WAV = "The Expected Time of Arrival is"
FTABOVES.WAV = "feet above sea level"
FTPERMIN.WAV = "feet per minute"
GOODAFTE.WAV = "Good afternoon!"
GOODBYE.WAV = "Goodbye!"
GOODEVEN.WAV = "Good evening!"
GOODMORN.WAV = "Good morning!"
GOTGPS.WAV = "I am receiving GPS data!"
HELLO.WAV = "hello"
HEXPLORE.WAV = "Tap on the map to enter Explore mode, which lasts a few seconds, shown by the white cursor"
HIGHWAY.WAV = "highway"
HITHELP.WAV = "Click on the low right icon to get help, but if you touch anything it'll interfere with the demonstration "
HOME.WAV = "home"
HOTEL.WAV = "hotel"
HOURS.WAV = "hours"
ICANTFIN.WAV = "I can't find"
IN.WAV = "in"
IS.WAV = "is"
KILOMETR.WAV = "kilometer"
KILOMETS.WAV = "kilometers"
KMPH.WAV = "kilometers per hour"
KNOTS.WAV = "knots"
METRES.WAV = "metres"
MILE.WAV = "mile"
MILES.WAV = "miles"
MINUTES.WAV = "minutes"
MOREINFO.WAV = "more information is available"
MORENOTA.WAV = "I'm sorry, but more information is not available"
MOVEAST.WAV = "moving east"
MOVNEAST.WAV = "moving northeast"
MOVNORTH.WAV = "moving north"
MOVNWEST.WAV = "moving northwest"
MOVSEAST.WAV = "moving southeast"
MOVSOUTH.WAV = "moving south"
MOVSWEST.WAV = "moving southwest"
MOVWEST.WAV = "moving west"
MPH.WAV = "miles per hour"
MYPLACES.WAV = "my places"
NAUTICAL.WAV = "nautical"
NEARDEST.WAV = "We are near our Destination!"
NEXTDEST.WAV = "Changing Destination to next waypoint"
NEXTNEAR.WAV = "The next nearest is"
NORTH.WAV = "north"
NORTHEOF.WAV = "northeast of"
NORTHOF.WAV = "north of"
NORTHWOF.WAV = "northwest of"
NOTGPS.WAV = "I'm not receiving any GPS data"
NOTMOVE.WAV = "not moving"
OK.WAV = "OK!"
OKQUIET.WAV = "OK, I'll be quiet"
ON.WAV = "on"
OVER.WAV = "over"
POINT.WAV = "point"
POSISTOR.WAV = "the position is stored to"
PROBABLY.WAV = "probably"
RECFTXT.WAV = "This is the filename of the GPS data. It goes green if it's on replay"
RGI$TL.WAV = "Turn left"
RGI$TR.WAV = "Turn right"
SECONDS.WAV = "seconds"
SINKING.WAV = "sinking"
SOUTHEOF.WAV = "southeast of"
SOUTHOF.WAV = "south of"
SOUTHWOF.WAV = "southwest of"
SPEEDLIM.WAV = "speed limit is"
STOPHELP.WAV = "you can interrupt the spoken help just by tapping the screen"
SUREEXIT.WAV = "Are you sure you want to exit GPSS?"
THENEARE.WAV = "the nearest"
THETIMEI.WAV = "The time is"
THOUSAND.WAV = "thousand"
TOOURLEF.WAV = "to our left"
TOOURRIG.WAV = "to our right"
WATER.WAV = "water"
WEARE.WAV = "we are"
WEARENEA.WAV = "we are near"
WEAREON.WAV = "we are on"
WENEARWP.WAV = "we are near waypoint"
WEST.WAV = "west"
WESTOF.WAV = "west of"
WORK.WAV = "work"
YARDS.WAV = "yards"